17.11.2020, 20:39–20:39

SARN Table: Talk and Tour with Prof. Hannes Rickli at Collegium Helveticum

©: Hannes Rickli, Sascha Deboni (2020)
©: Hannes Rickli, Sascha Deboni (2020)
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SARN Table at Collegium Helveticum 2020: Hannes tells us about the research project behind the exhibition. Img: 2020 Erin Mallon for SARN
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The exhibition begins with consolidated imagery and information in the entrance hall of the Sempersternwarte. Img: 2020 Erin Mallon for SARN
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SARN Table at Collegium Helveticum 2020: Thermal imaging of data storage reveals the complexity of seemingly simple tasks behind our data: like keeping it cool enough to survive. Img: 2020 Erin Mallon for SARN
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SARN Table at Collegium Helveticum 2020: We discuss the aesthetics of super computing and mountain logos. Img: 2020 Erin Mallon for SARN
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Historical footage about the deveopment of the first supercomputer in Switzerland. Img: 2020 Erin Mallon for SARN
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Anatomy of an AI system–one of many complex visualizations by Vladan Joler in the exhibition. This one delves into an Amazon AI system.Img: 2020 Erin Mallon for SARN
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Where does data live? This storage space is devoid of data now, but we walk through it to get a feel for the dimensions of the 19" compartments. Img: 2020 Erin Mallon for SARN


18h Talk / 18h30: Tour / 19h00 Time for discussion, questions, conversation


Collegium Helveticum, Schmelzbergstrasse 25, 8092 Zürich.

The Collegium Helveticum is an Insitute für Advanced Studies and laboratory for transdisciplinary research, funded by the University of Zurich, ETH Zurich and the Zurich University of the Arts. It aims to provide a meeting-place and forum for dialogue between the humanities, social sciences, physical sciences, engineering, medical science and the arts / https://collegium.ethz.ch

Event by

SARN Table in collaboration with Collegium Helveticum and Hannes Rickli (bio) / https://www.wirednation.ethz.c...




To participate, please register by November 13 at 12h by sending an email to SARN Coordinator Erin Mallon info(at)sarn.ch.

We met with our guest and fellow SARN member Hannes Rickli at the Collegium Helveticum in Zurich. Rickli gave a talk about his artistic and research-based work as a fellow at the Collegium, followed by a tour in two groups through the exhibition «Wired Nation. Landschaft, Architektur, Infrastruktur», one with Rickli himself and another with Christian Ritter of the Collegium Helveticum. Afterwards we exchanged our impressions of the exhibition.

The exhibition is based on the transdisciplinary research project "Digital Infrastructures," co-lead by Monika Dommann and Hannes Rickli. The basis of the project is a cooperation of historians, artists, economists and ethnographers in the framework of the fellowship period "Digital Societies" at the Collegium Helveticum.

Matters of privacy, borders and nationality are increasingly shaping the way we think about digital applications. The Exhibition "Wired Nation. Landscape, Architecture, Digital Infrastructure" analyses current and ongoing developments, using the situation in Switzerland to look at the data centers, law firms, companies and government institutions involved in the creation, maintenance and regulation of digital infrastructures. The exhibition combines artistic positions and scientific material. It brings together interviews with eight protagonists and three photo essays that lead the viewer to little-known stages of the digital. The project uncovers divergent and at times contradictory narratives, which challenge the established narrative of security, stability and relatively clean energy.


Ausstellungsinfo: Fragen der Privatsphäre, der Grenzen und der Nationalität prägen zunehmend die Art und Weise, wie wir über digitale Anwendungen nachdenken. Die Ausstellung «Wired Nation. Landschaft, Architektur, digitale Infrastruktur» analysiert aktuelle und laufende Entwicklungen und wirft am Beispiel der Schweiz einen Blick auf die Datacenter, Anwaltskanzleien, Unternehmen und Regierungsinstitutionen, die an der Schaffung, Wartung und Regulierung digitaler Infrastrukturen beteiligt sind. Die Ausstellung vereint künstlerische Positionen und wissenschaftliches Material. Sie bietet Interviews mit acht Akteur*innen und drei Fotoessays, sie zu den wenig bekanntem Schauplätzen führen. Das Projekt deckt abweichende und manchmal widersprüchliche Narrative auf, die die etablierte Erzählung von Sicherheit, Stabilität und relativ sauberer Energie hinterfragen.

Die Ausstellung basiert auf dem gemeinsam von Monika Dommann und Hannes Rickli geleiteten transdiszipinären Forschungsprojektes «Digitale Infrastrukturen». Die Grundlage des Projekts bildet eine gemeinsame Arbeit von Historiker*innen, Künstler*innen, Ökonom*innen und Ethnograf*innen im Rahmen der Fellowperiode zum Thema «Digital Societies» am Collegium Helveticum.