23.03.2012, 14:05–14:05

Publishing and documenting Artistic Research


ECAV – École cantonale d'art du Valais, Sierre


13h30 - 17h30


Julia Harboe (HSLU), Federica Martini (ECAV)


Aurélien Gamboni (HEAD), Alain Antille (ECAV), Ronny Hardliz (HSLU), Barnaby Drabble (ZHdK)

The focus of the first SARN workshop 2012, hosted by Ecole Cantonale d’Art du Valais, will be on forms of publication and documentation of artistic research. Over the afternoon, four speakers will introduce the different formats SARN member institutions have adopted for documenting and disseminating their artistic research activities in recent years. These include thematic anthologies about the subject of research in the arts, catalogues documenting concrete examples of projects and newsletters providing commentary on the ongoing work of research programs.

In addition to paper-based publishing the session will include presentation and discussion of online cataloguing and publishing formats, with specific attention to the Journal for Artistic Research (JAR) and its related Research Catalogue.

The workshop is intended to encourage debate about the status of ‘writing’ and ‘document’ within artistic research, the suitability of existing academic formats for publishing in this field, and how best to inform and engage the community of artistic researchers in Switzerland. Contributions will be in French and English, with discussion in English.