25.03.2013, 15:12–15:12

Open Source / Sharing knowledge in artistic research


HEAD – École supérieure des Beaux-Arts & Haute école d’Arts appliqués, Genève


13h30 - 17h30


Julia Harboe (HSLU), Anne-Catherine Sutermeister (HEAD), Federica Martini and Barnaby Drabble (ECAV)

The SARN workshop, co-organised by HEAD and ECAV, invites participants to share experiences and brainstorm the question of how ‘open knowledge’ and ‘open data’ concepts, might best be applied to the field of artistic research.

Traditional fields of research are gradually reassessing the way they share knowledge and new formats are emerging, including ‘open access’ approaches to publishing, ‘open peer review’, or the more extensive sharing of processes in ‘open research’ and ‘open science’.

Artistic research is not only affected by such developments, but as a relatively new field, has the possibility to lead by example and engender new approaches to uses of technology, interdisciplinarity, transparency, authorship and intellectual property.

The workshop will feature a brief introduction to the topic followed by round table discussions of the following questions:

What is best practice in regard to sharing knowledge in artistic research?
How do we analyse and assess the efficacy of different approaches?
What stands in the ways of their development?
How do we further the concept of ‘open knowledge’ in research?

All participants will be part of one of the round-table discussions and are asked to actively prepare for the workshop by seeking out and bringing examples and case-studies experiences to help with the brainstorming of the topic. How do your schools communicate the projects and their results and how you deal with sharing your progress and results in the research process. Are there particular issues in artistic research because of the artists’ individual authorship?

The workshop will close with a feedback session where the tables will present and discuss their findings.