11.04.2014, 15:41–15:41

Evaluating Artistic Research


ZHdK – Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, Limmatstrasse 65, Room 105


13h30 - 17h


Anne-Catherine Sutermeister (HEAD), Selma Dubach (Ifcar/ZHdK), Anton Rey (ZHdK), Corina Caduff (SNF), Martin Reinhart (HU Berlin), Julie Harboe (HSLU D&K)

Evaluation processes are omnipresent in the promotion of culture, in art, and in science. With the establishment of artistic research in Swiss arts universities, appropriate forms and instruments for the promotion and evaluation of such research are the subject of ongoing controversy and fierce debate. Does the adaptation to certain evaluation processes lead to a dependency that, while doing justice to such processes, is not actually relevant to artistic research? Do evaluation processes format and limit artistic idiosyncrasies, and thereby impede or even render impossible ways of expressing the approximate and the unfinished? Or do funding application requirements on the contrary present both a challenge and an opportunity for artistic research to find out what appropriate evaluation criteria could or indeed should look like and how such impulses might benefit processes used to evaluate other areas of knowledge?

The workshop invites participants to discuss existing types and mechanisms of evaluation for artistic research and those that we aspire to. It continues the debate initiated at the first workshop, held at ZHdK on 31 October 2013.