28.03.2017, 11:32–11:32

PhD in the Arts – How and What For?

Rachel Mader, Marina Belobrovaja
Martin Nachbar, Federica Martini, Priska Gisler

HSLU – Hochschule Luzern Kunst & Design


15h – 18h


Marina Belobrovaja (HSLU), Lucie Kolb (Zürich/Wien), Martin Nachbar (Hamburg)


Rachel Mader (HSLU)

In the course of globalization, transculturalization and digitalization, the Western concepts of “the artist” are undergoing considerable changes. New ideas of what artists are, how they relate to society, politics, or economy, are emerging in fields such as artistic research, social and community work, cultural entrepreneurship or marketing. This workshop and panel discussion addresses the question of what artists are and what they are expected to be today, in a hybrid, interconnected world. How are they perceived and how do they perceive themselves?

Today’s artists are facing an increasingly complex art field, a booming art market and an ongoing professionalization and academisation of the art world while they are still living in a precarious working and living condition. What are the changes in the conditions, challenges and opportunities, hopes and concerns of today’s artists? Why should one become an artist today? Which are an artists skills, knowledge and expertise and what role does the artists’ education play in this? How do artists produce their art today and how are they financing themselves? What does artistic success mean and what should once survive it?

Listen to the Roundtable with PhD-Students (Part I) here.
Listen to the Panel Discussion (Part II) here.