Zurich University of the Arts

Transdisciplinary Artistic PhD


General inquiries

(Coordinator) Laura von Niederhäusern: laura.vonniederhaeusern@zhdk.ch

Key Information


Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK)

Degree-granting partner institution

Linz University of Arts


PhD projects are supervised by the head of the focus group or other supervisors permitted to do so by the departmental focus group. In addition, each candidate is supervised by a professor of the partner university.

Place of Study

Normally 4 years



Number of Candidates

Small-group format (5–10 participants)

Tuition Fees

Key research themes and fields

The Transdisciplinary Artistic PhD Program supports third-cycle education for artists and designers by distinctive artistic means. It advocates a collaborative approach between the artistic disciplines at Zurich University of the Arts, as well as between their specific research approaches and aesthetic practices. The program is run by a multidisciplinary team from all five departments of ZHdK (Cultural Analysis, Fine Arts, Design, Music, Performing Arts & Film).

The main program activities take place in one of the five focus groups. Each of these groups is assigned to one of the five departments of ZHdK and formed with specific thematic, transdisciplinary and methodological interests in mind.

Research Focus Transdisciplinarity: “the parts to be shared": https://www.zhdk.ch/en/research/fspt/phd-focus-group-8788

Research Focus: Transforming Environments: https://www.zhdk.ch/en/doctoralstudies/transforming-environments-1071


Application documents

Applications are addressed to one of the focus groups, admission processes depending on the conditions set by the focus groups (cf open calls). In a second step the admission at the partner university is to be completed.

Program Structure

Regular focus group meetings for peer exchange is at the core of the program (10-15 days per year). Individual mentoring meetings: PhD candidates meet regularly with their supervisors by individual appointment.

Further program activities: Several formats facilitate broader exchange between focus groups (annual Program Conference) and with peers from Linz (semestrial Linz Colloquium). In addition, the board members organize and run an annual workshop to discuss the development of institutional frameworks (open to PhD candidates on a voluntary basis).

Program Completion


Various formats possible (including exhibitions, films etc.), but an adequate documentation is required to be handed-in and the work requires to transmit a reflection making the research process comprehensible.


Defensio takes place in the partner university (Linz), public presentation (30 Min) and defense discussion (45 Min) with the exam commission consituted of the supervisors (one by ZHdK, one by Linz), one external expert, one university internal professor (not familiar with the project). The thesis is reviewed beforehand in a written form by the two supervisors and the external expert.

Academic title


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