Bern Academy of the Arts
Studies in the Arts (SINTA)
- General inquiries
- Responsible
Prof. Dr Thomas Gartmann (Head of research at HKB and head of PhD program SINTA):
Key Information
- Institution
Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH), Bern Academy of the Arts (HKB)
- Degree-granting partner institution
University of Bern (Faculty of Humanities)
- Supervision
The first supervisor has to be a professor at the Faculty of Humanities and the second supervisor has to be a lecturer with a doctorate at the Bern University of the Arts (HKB).
- Place of Study
- Duration
Typically 3 to 5 years (in reality, up to 8 years).
- Languages
German (80%), English (20%)
- Number of Candidates
Around 40 doctoral students from the disciplines of music, theatre and dance studies, art history and graphic design, archaeology, social anthropology and German/French studies are realizing their projects within the framework of SINTA.
- Workload
- Funding
Two thirds of the students have a PhD position (paid 60%) within a SNSF Research Project of HKB.
- Enrollment
University of Bern (Faculty of Humanities)
- Tuition Fees
Semester fee for doctoral students is CHF 200.-
Key research themes and fields
The doctoral program Studies in the Arts combines various disciplines in the humanities, cultural sciences, social sciences and the arts. It promotes research and reflection in relation to artistic practices, creative and aesthetic issues, and the connection between art and science. The profile orientation of the program is a practice-oriented, artistic-scientific one. SINTA combines theory and practice as well as basic and applied research.
Research Clusters: Swiss Design; Performance Studies; Microtonality; Artistic Research; Health Care Design.
- Requirements
University Master's degree or UAS degree recognized by the University of Bern. Overall grade of the Master's degree: cum laude (5.0). For applicants who do not have a subject-specific university Master's degree, the supervisors and the doctoral student jointly decide about the the work to be completed in addition to the 20 ECTS of the PhD program SINTA. These additional 30-60 ECTS are to be completed in the first years of the PhD studies (e.g. introduction to the methodology of the subject, seminar papers, etc.). Registration also requires a letter of recommendation from both the first supervisor at the Faculty (University of Bern) and the second supervisor at HKB.
- Application documents
Letter of application (not more than 2 pages): Letter of motivation for applying to the Graduate School and the doctoral program envisaged; A list of disciplines/arts relevant to your research; Specifications of the benefits of an inter- or transdisciplinary exchange for your project.
Project Description: Summary in English (15 to 20 lines); Description of planned research: theses, theories, method, literature, preparatory steps (4–5 pages); 5 to 10 theoretical-methodological concepts, categories for analysis, keywords for your doctoral research project.
Other Documents: Confirmation of matriculation and doctorate at the University of Bern; Confirmation and recommendation by the two supervisors of your doctoral thesis; CV (not more than 2 pages); List of publications (if available). - Procedure
Applying for a PhD at the University of Bern involves 5 steps. First and foremost, you apply for a PhD in the discipline in which you would like to do your PhD (for
example, art history or social anthropology).
Program Structure
The curriculum comprises an interdisciplinary series of methodical-thematic workshops. This program is independently co-determined and co-designed by the doctoral students. A second module comprises lectures and workshops on research in the arts. In addition, soft skills courses are offered, from application to presentation techniques, from self-management to scientific English. Summer/winter schools and writing retreats complete the range of courses.
Doctoral students are supervised by one professor from each institution. They attend the disciplinary doctoral colloquia offered by both supervisors.
Longer research stays abroad as well as artistic and other scientific activities outside SINTA are welcome and can be easily combined with the commitment in the PhD program.
In addition to the mandatory program, SINTA also offer joint courses in different artistic disciplines which raise the profile of doctoral projects and the doctoral program as a whole. It builds virtual platforms, provides access to the outstanding infrastructures of the two institutions, and supports collaborative enterprises with international print-based and electronic publishing houses. The program Studies in the Arts sees itself as a laboratory with an explicit remit to promote the development of unconventional learning and innovative connections between the world of academia and the world of art.
Program Completion
- Thesis
Mostly monographs.
- Examination
Defense open to the public; 60 minutes discussion about the most important research results.
- Academic title
“Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)” awarded by the Faculty of Humanities (University Bern). A diploma supplement shows the attainments made at SINTA under the joint auspices of both.