Lucerne School of Design, Film and Art
Preparatory Courses
- General inquiries
Vicky Kiefer:
PhD Preparation Course (content-related questions): Nina Bandi:; Dr. Andreas Unteidig:
Preparing for a PhD in Art, Design and Film (Massive Open Online Course MOOC): Prof. Dr. Rachel Mader:
Prof. Dr. Axel Vogelsang:
- Responsible
Key Information
- Institution
- Degree-granting partner institution
- Supervision
- Place of Study
- Duration
- Languages
- Number of Candidates
- Workload
- Funding
- Enrollment
- Tuition Fees
Key research themes and fields
1. PhD Preparation Course
This two-semester preparatory course starts in September. It is for people interested in pursuing a practice-based doctorate and wishing to prepare for the submission of their PhD proposal. Participants develop an exposé from an initial draft which they can use to apply for grants, doctoral programmes or doctoral supervision. The course provides an overview of doctoral opportunities at Swiss universities of applied sciences and arts and beyond. The focus is in the disciplines of Design, Fine Arts or Film.
2. Preparing for a PhD in Art, Design and Film (Massive Open Online Course MOOC)
This free online course prepares designers, artists and filmmakers for a practice-based doctorate. It can be started any time and completed at one's own pace. Over the course of six weeks, Prof Dr Rachel Mader and Prof Dr Axel Vogelsang take participants through the various stages of a doctorate with videos, texts and discussions. Six recent dissertation projects will be presented to illustrate the process.
- Requirements
- Application documents
- Procedure
Program Structure
Program Completion
- Thesis
- Examination
- Academic title