Geneva University of Art and Design

Collaboration between HEAD – Genève and the Doctoral Program in Architecture and City Sciences (EDAR EPFL)


General inquiries

Anthony Masure (Dean of Research, Program Director HEAD – Genève):
Luca Pattaroni (MER) (Program Director EPFL):

Key Information


Geneva University of Art and Design (HEAD – Genève), University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Geneva (HES-SO)

Degree-granting partner institution

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL)


Each PhD is co-directed by one HEAD teacher and one EPFL / EDAR teacher.

Place of Study

Four years


French, English

Number of Candidates

Eight students


The PhD-student is contractually hired at 80% and employed as an assistant HES perceiving a monthly salary based on the Geneva state treatment scale for this function. The contract is fully paid by HEAD – Genève.

Tuition Fees

Key research themes and fields

HEAD – Genève and EDAR are developing inventive forms of research, combining fundamental research with the critical and creative openness of artistic work. The aim is to encourage a "research through art and design” orientation at EDAR, welcoming PhD students from art and design disciplines. For the EDAR EPFL, the aim is to complement its orientations with a specialization using creation as a field or working method within the framework of a doctoral thesis meeting EPFL's academic requirements. The doctoral student will participate in the implementation of this doctoral orientation, which fosters a stimulating and critical dialogue between art research, the production of knowledge, urban phenomena in the broadest sense and the social sciences. The aim of the program is to help doctoral students make original contributions through a transdisciplinary approach.


As a complement to the EDAR, the doctoral student will join the HEAD – Genève research team, grouped within the Irad (Institute de Recherche en Art et Design). The Irad coordinates the research projects carried out by the HEAD – Genève teams, with an emphasis on research-creation.


Fields of Research: Architecture, Interior Design, Media Design, Participative Art, Political and critical art and design.



Master’s degree in art or design (minimum), or equivalent qualifications; Strong interest in design or art research;  Strong writing and methodological skills; Strong skills in design or art; Good interpersonal and organizational skills; Fluency in spoken English.

Application documents

Cover letter (one page);  CV (two pages); Copies of diplomas;  Names and contact details of two referees; Summary of thesis project (one page); Note of intent for thesis project (10 pages maximum, including bibliography and images); Portfolio of personal work (20 pages maximum) if available; MA thesis; Written work (research articles or other essays, max. 2 publications) if available.


The jury makes a pre-selection, followed by oral presentations.

Program Structure

The study plan of the EDAR program requires 14 ECTS credits. A minimum of 4 ECTS credits must be obtained during the first year of doctoral studies. These credits must be acquired by successfully passing EDAR first year.


During the thesis work, the doctoral candidate has the obligation to submit an annual
progress report each year.


Typical workload dedicated to PhD project: The PhD candidate is enrolled at a total activity rate of 80% in the university of art and design, distributed 50/50 between the PhD project work and the Assistant HES duties within the department where he/she is hired.

Program Completion


A private defense, then corrections (if needed), then a public defense 

Academic title

Doctor ès Science. Doctoral program in architecture and urban sciences.