Microreview: Cordones Des-industriales (a fragment)

Arte y Comunidades.
Glosario CEDOC-CNAC.
Encuentros_Arte, Ambientes y Periferias.
GCAS-La Glosario.
Ecole du Non-Travail.
Meeting 1. PASAJ, Istanbul 2021.
2021 July
Eduardo Cruces reviews an open collection of words written by more than sixty researchers and collectives from various disciplines, mostly from Latin America or Spanish speakers (open to other languages), who share the grammar that makes up their research as an act of solidarity, July 2021-ongoing.
Author / Publisher
Eduardo Cruces for NewsLibrary
Author Info

Eduardo Cruces is an artist and writer who lives and works in Istanbul (Turkey) and Conception (Chile). He holds a Master of Arts in Public Spheres, edhea (Switzerland). His personal and collective research is focused on the phenomenon of deindustrialization and its cultural impacts between art practices, landscape and social movements. www.reconversionruina.org


English (Translated from Spanish)

Also published here

Newsletter No. 36

Instagram @sarn_switzerland

Reviewed Publication

Cordones Des-industriales (a fragment), open collection of words written by more than sixty researchers and collectives from various disciplines, mostly from Latin America or Spanish speakers (open to other languages), who share the grammar that makes up their research as an act of solidarity. July 2021-ongoing.

Words from the following collective glossary sources:

Arte y Comunidades (Groups of artists and activists from Conception province, Chile 2018); Ecole du Non-Travail (Artists from various latitudes, meeting in France-Switzerland 2019); Encuentros Arte, Ambiente y Periferia (Collectives from several Latin American countries, 2020); GCAS-La Glosario (Independent researchers from The Americas / Abya Yala, 2020); Glosario CEDOC-CNAC (Artists from different conflict zones in Chile and Mapuche land, 2020).

Image Credits

(1) Arte y Comunidades, (2) Glosario CEDOC-CNAC, (3) Encuentros_Arte, Ambientes y Periferias, (4) GCAS-La Glosario, (5) Ecole du Non-Travail, (6) Meeting 1. PASAJ, Istanbul 2021. (*all images courtesy of the editor, 2021)

Affective conversations. Anarcheology. Archetypal machine. Benefits of not working. Bonds. Carto-body-graphies. Childhood. Co-action. Coastline. Collective wisdom. Contingency. Copresence. Critical approach. Day job. Decentralization. Deindustrialization. Desert. Ecodependence. Ecotone. Embody. Enchantment. Ethno/graphies of feeling. Fake product. Geopoetics. Gesture. Good living. Guardians of memory. Improve. Indigenous futurism. Inhabiting. Inmanence (method of). Land-culture. Live to the rhythm of the cat. Lost time. Market utopia. Matter (follow the). Mestizo (poetics). Methodologies. Mutual need. Mutual support. Nap. Neighborhood. New geo/graphies. New monster. Noble savage. Non-adultocentrism. Non-human empathy. Objects (introduce the). Obsolescence. Overflow. Pandemic. Politicial-artistic. Practices in-between. Precariousness. Quality of life. Resilience. Reversion to. Right to. Rightness. Rural public space. Sandwich economy. Self-knowledge. Sensitive leverage. Shore. Social fabric. Staycation. Take the baton. Temporary communities. The common. The people. Thought (unleash a). Time by the sea. Time is on my side. Time of breaktime. Tiredness. Train-river. Trance. Transform into person. Traveler. Tropics. Two spirits. Unity. Via. Vital humor. Walking. Wall (hard against the). Water. When do I really work?. Wild transdiscipline. Working holidays.