Basel Academy of Art and Design

MAKE/SENSE International Graduate School of Art and Design (IGSAD)


General inquiries


Dr. Johannes Bruder: 

Dr. Lucie Kolb:

Key Information


University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW), Basel Academy of Art and Design (HGK)

Degree-granting partner institution

University of Art and Design Linz


Candidates will have a supervision agreement with a supervisor from the Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW and a supervisor from the University of the Arts Linz

Place of Study

PhD candidates have to present their work at least once at the PhD colloquium of the University of the Arts Linz. Attending the PhD colloquium in Linz, which takes place twice a year, is recommended. PhD candidates of the MAKE/SENSE PhD programme are eligible for travel funds at the University of the Arts Linz.


3 years


English / German

Number of Candidates

6 students / year


Minimum of 40%. The MAKE/SENSE PhD programme is low-residency and the study programme that happens on site in Basel is limited to 4 weeks/year.


Various scholarships, employment on research projects, independent positions; submission for grants (e.g. Doc.CH, IFK Junior Fellowship) are supported by the HGK.


University of Art and Design Linz

Tuition Fees

Study fees at the University of Art and Design Linz apply (depending on the candidate's citizenship, study fees amount to 20 EUR or 747 EUR per semester for the first 8 semesters, and 384 EUR or 747 EUR for remaining study time). There are no further fees in Basel. 

Key research themes and fields

The MAKE/SENSE PhD programme promotes practice-based research in art and design. Operating within three future-facing areas of concern: Planetarity, Materiality and Response-ability, our programme focuses on the relevance and potentials of practice-based research in art and desivgn for just sociocultural, political, and ecological transformations. We encourage transversal work and aim at collectively developing life-affirming practices and infrastructures.

“Planetarity” takes up post-colonial and decolonial perspectives, advanced primarily by leading-edge artists, designers, scholars and activists from the Global South. From feminist approaches to the study of design, science, and technology, we focus on equality and inclusion (of class, race, and identity) as a hermeneutic for political economies and ecological epistemologies. Planetarity invokes the material effects of globalized operations (e.g., the carbon footprint of cloud computing, worldwide transport and trade) and draws attention to the localised, inherent qualities of natural materials and objects. 

“Materiality” includes experimenting with the inherent qualities of natural materials and objects in art and design practice, and developing novel sensitivities towards the materialities of our increasingly virtual lives. These interests are geared towards establishing ways of knowing and being that are not based on extractive practices and the transformation of natural habitats into industrial territories. A focus on materiality implies a responsibility to find alternative and diverse ways of practicing art and design. 

“Response/ability” reframes practice-based research in art and design as urgent, significant, and nuanced interventions into ongoing processes and areas of public concern. Research projects conducted at the MAKE/SENSE PhD programme do not rival academic research, but aim at responding to and complementing scientific knowledge through aesthetic, experiential, expressive and embodied knowledge practices. Response/ability involves a heightened awareness of, sensitivity for, and engagement with non-Western and indigenous knowledges and practices, intersectional issues of race and gender, and the situated and privileged character of contemporary art and design.



MA in Art & Design; The requirements have to match with the conditions of the partner institution Kunstuniversität Linz; PhD candidates are required to have a background in art or design, and to outline a practical project as part of their exposé.

Application documents

Motivation letter (tell us why the program is right for you and what you bring to the program); Project Outline (incl. research question, short state of the art, methods, and short statement on the relevance and topicality regarding at least one area of concern: planetarity, materiality, response-ability, outcomes), 2-3 pages A4 (excl. references); List 2-3 possible HGK supervisors, according to your preference; Curriculum Vitae; Portfolio; Scan of Master's or Diploma certificate; Scan of Bachelor's degree certificate


Applications will be forwarded to possible supervisors. Candidates accepted by one of their chosen supervisors and the jury will advance to the second stage: HGK FHNW Supervisors interview applicants, successful applications are assessed by the commission of the Kunstuniversität Linz prior to inscription (based on the exposé)

Program Structure

The MAKE/SENSE PhD program is low-residency and the study program that happens on site in Basel is limited to 4 weeks/year. The study weeks are planned collectively and comprise of practice presentations; events with guests, curated by members of the programme; reading groups on the topic of art/research; generic skills & methods workshops; and hang outs, which can be skills-sharing workshops organized by candidates, screenings, etc. Regular meetings with supervisors arranged individually by the candidates Participation in supervisor’s colloquia at Kunstuniversität Linz once per semester; Presentation at the general PhD colloquium at Kunstuniversität Linz once per study period (min. once in 3 years);

Program Completion


A written thesis is submitted. The practical part must be adequately documented. It is also possible to invite the reviewers to a presentation of this part before submission.


Thesis defense at the University of the Arts Linz; Thesis defense committee comprises supervisors from FHNW HGK, the Kunstuniversität Linz, along with an invited External Reviewer, all of whom submit written reviews prior to the defense.

Academic title


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